Langdi Game Information in English

 Langdi Game Information in English

 Game Name: Lame

Genre: Outdoor Sports

Field size: 12-14 m.

How many can play: 6-7

Langdi is a traditional Indian tag sport that is played by two teams of twelve players. The playing area is a rectangular field with nine trenches, three on each side. The two teams take turns attacking and defending.

The attacking team's goal is to cross the trenches without being tagged by the defending team. The defending team's goal is to tag the attacking team's players before they can cross the trenches.

The game is played in four innings, with each team having two innings to score. In each inning, the attacking team has seven minutes to score as many points as possible. A point is awarded to the attacking team for each trench that a player crosses without being tagged.

The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Here are some of the key rules of Langdi:

The attacking team's players must start in the middle of the field, behind the central trench.

The defending team's players can stand anywhere in the trenches.

A player is tagged if they are touched by a defending team player.

A player who is tagged must return to the middle of the field.

A player can be tagged in the trenches, on the sidelines, or in the air.

A player can tag another player by touching them with any part of their body.

A player can avoid being tagged by running, jumping, or ducking.

A player can also avoid being tagged by using feints or deception.

Langdi is a fast-paced and exciting sport that requires a combination of speed, agility, and strategy. It is a great way to get exercise and have fun with friends and family.

Here are some of the benefits of playing Langdi:

It is a great way to get exercise.

It is a fun and challenging game.

It helps to improve coordination, balance, and agility.

It teaches teamwork and cooperation.

It is a great way to relieve stress and have fun.

If you are looking for a fun and challenging sport to play, Langdi is a great option. It is a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels.

Langdi Playground

Langdi, also known as Lingorcha, is a traditional Indian sport that is typically played outdoors in a playground or open field. It is a popular game, especially among children and young people in India. Here is some information about the Langdi playground and how the game is played:

Langdi Playground:

Playing Area: Langdi is played in a rectangular field or playground. The size of the field can vary, but it is typically not very large. It is divided into two equal halves by a centerline.

Boundary: The field may have boundary lines to mark the playing area. Players are required to stay within these boundaries while playing.

Equipment: Langdi does not require any specific equipment. The game is played with a group of players, and no bats, balls, or other equipment are necessary.

How Langdi Is Played:

Langdi is a team-based sport typically played between two teams, and each team takes turns being the "attackers" and the "defenders." Here's a basic overview of how the game is played:

Defending Team:

The defending team spreads out in their half of the field.

The goal of the defenders is to tag members of the attacking team while they are in the defenders' territory.

Attacking Team:

The attacking team selects one player, known as the "raider," to cross over into the defenders' territory.

The raider's objective is to cross the centerline, tag as many defenders as possible, and return to their own half without being tagged by the defenders.

While crossing into the defenders' territory, the raider must hop on one foot. This hopping is a distinctive feature of Langdi.


The defenders can use teamwork and strategy to prevent the raider from tagging them or returning to their own half.

If the raider is tagged by a defender or touches the boundary line, they are considered "out" for that round, and the defending team earns a point.

The attacking team earns a point for each defender they successfully tag and for every successful raid in which the raider returns to their own half safely.

The game continues with each team taking turns being the attackers and defenders, and points are accumulated. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Langdi is a physically demanding and fast-paced game that promotes agility, teamwork, and strategic thinking. It is a popular recreational sport in many parts of India, especially among children and young adults.

Brief rules Langdi

Langdi, also known as Lingorcha, is a traditional Indian sport played in a rectangular field or playground. It's a team sport where players take turns being attackers and defenders. The game is characterized by hopping on one foot, and the objective is to tag opponents without being tagged yourself. Here are the brief rules for Langdi:


The attacking team aims to send a raider into the defenders' territory to tag defenders and return safely to their own half without being tagged.


Two teams play, with each team taking turns as attackers and defenders.

Field Setup:

A rectangular field is divided into two equal halves by a centerline.

Boundaries may be marked to define the playing area.


Defending Team:

The defenders spread out in their half of the field.

Their goal is to prevent the raider from tagging them and returning safely.

Attacking Team:

The attacking team selects one player as the "raider."

The raider's objective is to cross the centerline, tag defenders, and return to their own half.

While crossing into the defenders' territory, the raider must hop on one foot. This hopping is a crucial aspect of the game.

The raider must chant "Langdi, Langdi" continuously while hopping and tagging.


The defenders can use teamwork and strategy to stop the raider from tagging them or returning to their half.

If the raider is tagged by a defender or touches the boundary line, they are considered "out" for that round, and the defending team earns a point.

The attacking team earns a point for each defender they successfully tag.

Points are accumulated throughout the game.

The game continues with each team taking turns being the attackers and defenders.

The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Langdi is a physically demanding and fast-paced game that requires agility, teamwork, and strategic thinking. It's often played for fun and recreation in various regions of India, particularly among children and young adults.

Development of Langdi

Langdi is a traditional Indian tag sport that has been played for centuries. The exact origins of the game are unknown, but it is thought to have originated in the state of Maharashtra.

The first organized efforts to promote and develop Langdi were made in the early 20th century. In 1905, the Dekkan Gymkhana in Pune, India, laid down the rules of the game and began conducting matches.

In the 1930s, the Akhil Maharashtra Sharirik Shikshan Mandal, a sports education organization, began conducting divisional tournaments in which teams from Marathi speaking areas of different states of India participated.

The popularity of Langdi grew steadily in the following decades, and the game was eventually recognized by the Indian Olympic Association in 1982.

In 1982, the Atya Patya Federation of India (APFOI) was formed to promote and develop the sport throughout the country. The APFOI organizes national and international tournaments, and it also provides training and coaching programs for players and coaches.

The APFOI has played a major role in the growth and development of Langdi in India. The Federation has helped to raise awareness of the sport, and it has also helped to improve the quality of competition.

In recent years, Langdi has also begun to gain popularity in other parts of the world. There are now Langdi clubs and tournaments in countries such as the United States, Canada, and Australia.

The development of Langdi as a global sport is still in its early stages, but the sport has the potential to become a major international sport in the future.

Here are some of the factors that have contributed to the development of Langdi:

The formation of the APFOI

The organization of national and international tournaments

The provision of training and coaching programs

The growing popularity of Langdi in other parts of the world

The future of Langdi looks bright. The sport is growing in popularity both in India and abroad, and there is a strong commitment to developing Langdi as a global sport.

What is the best way to play Langdi

Playing Langdi can be a lot of fun, especially when you have a group of enthusiastic players. To have the best experience playing Langdi, you can follow these steps and guidelines:

1. Gather Players:

Assemble a group of players who are interested in playing Langdi. The game can be played with a relatively small number of participants or with larger teams, depending on the available space and the preferences of the players.

2. Choose a Suitable Playing Area:

Find a rectangular field or playground with clearly marked boundaries if possible. Ensure that the playing surface is flat and free from obstacles to avoid injuries.

3. Form Teams:

Divide the players into two teams. Typically, one team will be the attackers, and the other will be the defenders. Teams take turns being attackers and defenders.

4. Understand the Rules:

Make sure all players understand the basic rules of Langdi, including the roles of attackers and defenders, the hopping technique, and how points are scored.

5. Select Raiders:

Each time a team becomes the attacking team, they should select a player to be the raider. The raider's role is to enter the defenders' territory, tag defenders, and return to their half safely.

6. Start the Game:

Begin the game with one team as attackers and the other as defenders. The attackers send their raider across the centerline into the defenders' territory.

7. Defend Strategically:

As defenders, work together to stop the raider from tagging you and returning safely. Use teamwork and strategy to outmaneuver the raider.

8. Attack with Precision:

As attackers, coordinate with your raider to maximize the number of defenders tagged. The raider should hop on one foot, chant "Langdi, Langdi," and try to tag defenders without being tagged.

9. Keep Score:

Keep track of the points earned by each team. Defenders earn points when they tag the raider, and attackers earn points for each defender tagged by the raider.

10. Rotate Roles:

After a round, switch roles so that the defending team becomes the attacking team and vice versa. Continue playing for a set duration or until a predetermined number of points is reached.

11. Emphasize Fair Play:

Langdi is meant to be a fun and recreational game. Encourage fair play, good sportsmanship, and respect for fellow players.

12. Stay Safe:

Ensure that all players play safely and avoid overly aggressive or dangerous actions. Langdi can be physically demanding, but safety should always come first.

13. Enjoy the Game:

Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the game. Langdi is a great way to stay active, socialize, and have a good time with friends and family.

The best way to play Langdi is with a group of enthusiastic and fair-minded players who are willing to embrace the spirit of the game and have a memorable time together.

My thoughts on the lame match

I understand that you found the match to be lame. There are a few possible reasons for this:

The level of play may have been low.

The match may have been too one-sided.

There may have been a lack of excitement or suspense.

It is also possible that you simply did not enjoy the match because of your personal preferences. For example, you may not have enjoyed the style of play, or you may have found the match to be too predictable.

Here are some specific things that you could have found lame about the match:

The players may have made a lot of mistakes.

The teams may have been very evenly matched, leading to a slow and boring match.

The match may have been decided early on, leading to a lack of suspense.

The players may not have been very athletic or skilled.

The match may have been poorly officiated.

If you found the match to be lame, it is important to remember that everyone has different preferences. What one person finds exciting, another person may find boring. It is also important to remember that even the best athletes and teams make mistakes.

If you are interested in watching more exciting and competitive Langdi matches, I recommend watching matches from the national and international tournaments. These matches are typically played by the best players in the world, and they are typically very exciting and competitive.

You may also want to try watching Langdi matches from different countries. Langdi is played in many different countries around the world, and there are some very talented Langdi players outside of India.

What is the Langdi rule?

Langdi, also known as Lingorcha, is a traditional Indian sport with simple yet engaging rules. Here are the basic rules for playing Langdi:

Objective: The primary objective of Langdi is for the attacking team to send a raider into the defenders' territory, tag defenders, and return to their own half without being tagged by the defenders. The defenders aim to stop the raider from achieving this objective.

Teams: Langdi is typically played between two teams, an attacking team and a defending team. Teams take turns being attackers and defenders.

Field Setup:

The playing area is a rectangular field or playground divided into two equal halves by a centerline.

Boundaries may be marked to define the playing area, but it's not strictly necessary.


Defending Team:

The defending team spreads out within their half of the field.

Defenders must stay within the boundary lines and their half of the field.

Attacking Team:

The attacking team selects one player to be the "raider."

The raider's objective is to cross the centerline, tag as many defenders as possible, and return to their own half safely.


The raider must chant "Langdi, Langdi" continuously while hopping on one foot as they enter the defenders' territory.

The hopping on one foot is a distinctive feature of Langdi and must be maintained throughout the raid.

The raider should aim to tag defenders by touching them with their hand, but they should avoid physical contact or pushing.

If the raider successfully tags a defender and returns to their own half without being tagged, the attacking team earns a point for each defender tagged.

If the raider is tagged by a defender or touches the boundary line, they are considered "out" for that round, and the defending team earns a point for each defender tagged.

The game continues with each team taking turns as attackers and defenders.

Points are accumulated, and the team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Rotation: After each round, the roles switch, with the defending team becoming the attacking team and vice versa. This rotation allows all players to take turns as raiders and defenders.

Safety and Fair Play:

Encourage fair play and sportsmanship.

Ensure that players avoid overly aggressive or dangerous actions to prevent injuries.

Safety should always be a top priority while playing Langdi.

These are the basic rules of Langdi, and variations may exist depending on regional traditions and preferences. It's a game that promotes physical fitness, teamwork, and strategic thinking while providing hours of fun and enjoyment for players of all ages.

Some facts about the Langdi game

Ancient Origins: Langdi is believed to have ancient origins in India and is deeply rooted in traditional Indian culture. It has been played for generations and is still popular in many parts of the country.

Regional Names: While it's commonly known as "Langdi" in some regions, the game goes by different names in various parts of India. For example, it is known as "Lingorcha" in Maharashtra and "Thokudu Billa" in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

Physical Fitness: Langdi is a physically demanding sport that requires agility, balance, and speed. Hopping on one foot while evading defenders is a challenging aspect of the game that contributes to players' physical fitness.

Simple Equipment: One of the appealing aspects of Langdi is its simplicity. Unlike many modern sports that require specialized equipment, Langdi can be played with minimal or no equipment. All you need is a playing area and willing participants.

Teamwork and Strategy: Langdi is not just about physical prowess; it also involves teamwork and strategic thinking. Defenders must work together to stop the raider, while the attacking team must coordinate their efforts to maximize points.

Inclusivity: Langdi is an inclusive sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. It doesn't require expensive gear or a specific playing surface, making it accessible to a wide range of individuals.

Cultural Significance: In many Indian communities, Langdi is more than just a game; it holds cultural significance. It is often played during festivals, fairs, and community gatherings, bringing people together and preserving traditions.

Competitive Tournaments: While Langdi is often played informally for recreation, there are also organized tournaments and competitions at the district, state, and even national levels. These tournaments showcase the skills of top Langdi players.

Physical Education: Langdi is sometimes introduced in schools as part of physical education programs. It helps students develop physical fitness, teamwork, and sportsmanship.

Revival Efforts: In recent years, there have been efforts to promote and revive traditional Indian sports like Langdi. These initiatives aim to ensure that these culturally significant games continue to be part of the nation's heritage.

Langdi is not just a sport but a part of India's cultural heritage, representing the simplicity and inclusivity of traditional games that have endured through generations.

How many extra players can you have in lame?

Langdi, also known as Lingorcha, is typically played with a relatively small number of participants, and the number of players on each team can vary based on local customs and preferences. In informal settings, there may not be strict rules about the number of extra players or substitutes allowed. However, the game is often played with a limited number of players on each team to maintain its traditional and challenging nature.

Here are some general guidelines for the number of players in Langdi:

Team Size: Langdi is typically played with small teams, often with 7 to 9 players on each side. This number can vary depending on regional variations and the preferences of the players.

Substitutes: In some variations of Langdi, teams may have substitutes or extra players waiting on the sidelines to join the game when a player is tagged or goes out. These substitutes take the place of tagged players and participate in the game.

Informal Play: In informal and casual settings, players may be more flexible with team size and substitutions. The number of extra players or substitutes allowed can be determined by mutual agreement among the participants.

Competitions: In more organized or competitive settings, such as tournaments or formal matches, there may be specific rules governing team size and substitutions. These rules can vary, so it's essential to check the rules of the competition.

Overall, the number of extra players or substitutes in Langdi can vary widely based on the context in which the game is being played. It's essential to establish clear rules and guidelines before starting a game to ensure fairness and consistency among participants.

. How is lameness classified as a sport?

Langdi, also known as Lingorcha, is classified as a traditional sport rather than a mainstream or organized sport like cricket, soccer, or basketball. Traditional sports like Langdi have distinct characteristics that differentiate them from modern organized sports. Here's how Langdi is classified as a traditional sport:

Cultural Heritage: Langdi has deep roots in traditional Indian culture and has been played for generations. It is often associated with cultural festivals, fairs, and community gatherings. As a result, it is considered part of the cultural heritage of certain regions in India.

Informal Nature: Traditional sports like Langdi are often played in informal settings, such as local communities, villages, and schools. They do not have the highly organized structures, governing bodies, and standardized rules that many modern sports possess.

Limited Formalization: While there may be regional variations in Langdi's rules, it generally lacks the formalized and standardized rules and regulations that are typical of organized sports. The rules can vary from one region to another.

Inclusivity: Traditional sports like Langdi are often inclusive and can be played by people of all ages and skill levels. They do not require expensive equipment or specialized facilities, making them accessible to a wide range of participants.

Preservation of Heritage: Efforts are made to preserve and promote traditional sports like Langdi to ensure that they continue to be a part of the cultural heritage of the regions where they are played. This can include organizing local tournaments and events to showcase the sport.

Local Variations: Traditional sports like Langdi may have different names and slight variations in rules depending on the region. For example, while it's known as Langdi in some areas, it is called Lingorcha in others.

It's important to note that traditional sports like Langdi may not be as widely recognized or promoted on a national or international scale as some modern sports. However, they hold cultural significance and play a valuable role in preserving local traditions and fostering community engagement.

How many people does a lame team consist of?

A Langdi team, also known as a "Langdi Pathak" or "Langdi party," can vary in size depending on local customs and preferences. However, traditionally, a Langdi team consists of seven to nine players on each side. This number is relatively small, making Langdi a sport that is typically played with smaller teams compared to many organized sports.

Here's a breakdown of the roles within a Langdi team:

Raider: Each team selects one player to be the "raider." The raider's primary role is to enter the opponent's territory, tag defenders, and return safely to their own half without being tagged.

Defenders: The remaining players on the team are defenders. Their primary role is to prevent the raider from tagging them and returning safely to their half. Defenders work together to stop the raider and may use strategies and teamwork to achieve this goal.

While seven to nine players per team is a common arrangement, the number of players can vary based on local traditions and informal games. In some cases, informal games may involve more or fewer players, and there may not be strict rules governing team size. The flexibility of Langdi makes it accessible to communities with different preferences and available participants.

In formal or competitive Langdi tournaments, there may be standardized rules specifying the number of players allowed per team, but these rules can also vary depending on the event and the organizers.

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